The National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities.

Empowering Abilities, Creating Trust

(Awareness, Community Interaction and Innovative Project)

Click here to download the scheme

Click here to Enroll Now

About the Scheme

Badhte Kadam aims at community awareness, sensitisation, social integration and mainstreaming of Persons with Disabilities. It has below mentioned objectives:

  • Raise awareness in the public, regarding Person with Disability (PwD) covered under the NationalTrust Act and encourage their inclusion in the society, social integration and participation of persons with disabilities in all aspects of life.
  •  Disseminate information on preventive strategies for the disabilities under the National Trust Act,1999
  • Sensitize community stakeholders
  • Publicize and maximize benefits of the National Trust schemes for Registered Organization(RO),PwDs and for families of PwDs.
  • Increase representation in remote areas and in areas where the National Trust is under represented
  • Spread awareness about myths and misconceptions about disability, disability etiquette etc.

Scheme Description

This scheme shall support Registered Organisations (RO) of the National Trust to carry out activities that focus on increasing the awareness of the the National Trust disabilities.

I. Target Audience

The target audience of the scheme are:

  • Public and Society
  • Ecosystem
    • Government officials (including Public representative like Panchayat member, Sarpanch, MLA, MP)
    • Medical fraternity
    • Legal professionals
    • Banks / Financial Institutions
    • Educational Institutes,Students, Teachers etc.
  • Families/ guardians of PwDs
  • NGOs and people of areas where The National Trust is not represented

II. Awareness and other activities

The National Trust shall fund the awareness and other activities that shall be taken up by RO with respect to four disabilities covered under the National Trust Act.

Detailed list of the activities that can be carried out by ROs are mentioned below. ROs are encouraged to take up awareness activities as mentioned in following tables for achieving the objectives of Badhte Kadam. These are just indicative list of campaigns that could be run by RO and RO could decide and come up with innovative ways to spread awareness.

Awareness and other activities
S. No. Category Activity
1. In collaboration with Government
  • Collaboration with the campaigns and disseminate information being run by other ministries, government departments and organizations at national, state, district,block or panchayat level. For example;
    • Ministry of Health (polio campaign, Community Health Centres, Primary Health Centres, Aanganwadis and Asha workers, Blindness Control Program, Leprosy Cure Program, Camp for issue of disability certificate etc.)
    • Ministry of Education (Sarv Sikhsha Abhiyan etc.)
    • Ministry of Rural Development (MNREGA, Collaboration with District Rural Development Agency(DRDA) etc.)
    • Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
    • Ministry of Labour (Vocational Rehabilitation Centres (VRCs), Special Employment Exchange, Special cell etc.)
    • Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
  • Collaborate with existing major Conferences, Meetings, Fairs, Exhibitions and other events
  • Circulars to be sent to concerned departments and Institutions (schools, colleges, banks, transport, hospitals etc.)
  • Handouts, posters, flyers, pamphlets or leaflets at Educational, Financial and Medical Institutes (especially in clinics of physiotherapists, paediatrician, psychologists and psychiatrists)**
2. In collaboration with private bodies
  • Collaboration with Corporates and Voluntary Organizations to
    • Organize or participate in events
    • Conduct presentations or workshops in a private company or institution (documentary or film related to PwDs can also be created and showcased)
    • Organize special sessions for PwDs like with Make a Difference (MAD), Child Relief and You (CRY) etc. **
  • Handouts, posters, flyers, pamphlets or leaflets at Educational, Financial and Medical Institutes (especially in clinics of physiotherapists, paediatrician, psychologists and psychiatrists)**
3. Media Related
  • Social Media campaigns
  • Media campaign - Print, TV, Radio, Cinema, Internet based (emailers, etc.)
4. ICT enabled initiatives
  • Information could be spread out via Website
  • Mass SMS to PwDs, ROs and families to update them about new schemes and other necessary information
  • Training and awareness videos as per disability to be circulated to parents and guardians and public at large through website or mobile application or through social media
5. Localized intervention
  • Participate in Local campaigns like fairs, Exhibitions, Melas, Road shows, Street plays etc.**
  • Organize workshops to spread awareness among following groups:**
    • Government officials
    • Medical fraternity
    • Legal professionals
    • Banks / Financial institutions
    • Educational Institutes, Teachers etc.
  • Organize Social Inclusion events like cricket match, painting competitions, art exhibitions etc.**
  • Conduct sessions in schools, colleges and other educational institute to sensitize students about PwDs**

**Most of these activities shall be undertaken by RO on their own initiative and could be sponsored by private bodies or corporates. However, some of these activities shall require RO to incur expenses. The activities that shall be funded by National Trust are mentioned in the funding pattern section.

Only those events shall be funded by the National Trust under Badhte Kadam that is not funded by the National Trust under any other scheme. RO cannot claim the funds for the expenditure sponsored by others. Participation of SNAC/LLC/National Trust/Government (Social welfare officer) /DC/DM should be encouraged.

III. Validity of Scheme Enrolment

Scheme enrolment shall be valid only for the current financial year. Once, current financial year is over, RO should enrol again in Badhte Kadam scheme to avail benefits of the scheme.

For example, if the RO registers for Badhte Kadam in September 2016, the enrolment will be valid till 31st March 2017 and if it registers for Badhte Kadam in April 2016, the enrolment will be valid till 31 st March 2017.

IV. Number of events supported

The National Trust shall sponsor a maximum of 4 events for each RO per year. Each RO should conduct at least 1 event (either for community, educational institutes or medical institutes) in a year.

All the SNACs of the National Trust are expected to participate in Badhte Kadam scheme.

V. Feedback from events

RO shall also gather feedback through properly developed formats from the people attending the events to check the effectiveness of event and improvise on the events for future events. Feedback from events shall also be shared with the National Trust. RO can also conduct KAP (Knowledge Attitude and Practice) study during the campaign to know their knowledge about four categories of disabilities, schemes of the National Trust, Rights of PwDs, Myths about Disability etc.


Innovative Project

The National Trust encourages Registered Organizations for undertaking Innovative Projects leading to betterment of quality of life of Persons with Disabilities covered under the National Trust Act. Proposals under this need to be submitted on-line under Badhte Kadam scheme. Maximum amount to be sanctioned under this is Rs. 5 lakh. Funds under Innovative project will be released in 2 instalments. First instalment of 50% of fund will be released at the time of sanction of the project as advance. Second instalment of the remaining 50% fund will be released after completion of the project and submission of the following documents -

  1. Details of expenses under broad heads with proof of expenses incurred
  2. Self attested Utilisation Certificate of funds utilized
  3. Minimum 3 photographs and newspaper coverage / report of product developed (if any) or activities done.


Click here to apply


Funding Pattern

The National Trust shall reimburse the expense incurred by ROs on awareness activities. The National Trust will provide funds as per the activities defined below. If the activities are not covered in the list, the National Trust will disburse funds after evaluation of the proposal submitted by RO.

Funds allocated under each of the above mentioned head is as follows:

Funding Pattern  
S. No. Funding Head Amount (in INR) Frequency of funds disbursement
I. Distributing Handouts, Posters, Flyers, Pamphlets, leaflets at Educational, Financial and Medical Institutes (especially in clinics of physiotherapists, paediatrician, psychologists and psychiatrists) On actuals with a maximum limit of INR 20,000/- For at least 2000 pamphlets etc. to be printed and distributed Once after completion of the activity
II. Organize special sessions for PwDs with voluntary organizations like Make a Difference (MAD), Child Relief and You (CRY) etc. Minimum duration of each event should be one full day On actuals with a maximum limit of INR 15,000/-
For at least 20 PwDs to attend the session
Once after completion of the activity
III. Organize Roadshows Minimum duration of each event should be one full day On actuals with a maximum limit of INR 13,000/-
per day For covering approximately 20 area
Once after completion of the activity
IV. Organize workshops to spread awareness among following groups:
a) Government officials
b) Medical fraternity
c) Legal professionals
d) Banks / Financial institutions
e) Educational Institutes, Teachers etc. Minimum duration of each event should be one full day
On actuals with a maximum limit of INR 17,000/-
For at least 30 people to attend the session (other than RO staff)
Once after completion of the activity
V. Organize Social Inclusive events like cricket match, painting competitions, art exhibitions etc. Minimum duration of each event should be one full day On actuals with a maximum limit of INR 16,000/-
For at least 10 PwDs participating in the event
Once after completion of the activity
VI. Conduct sessions in schools, colleges and other educational institute to sensitize students about PwDs On actuals with a maximum limit of INR 8,000/-
For at least 100 students attending the session (s)
Once after completion of the activity


Eligibility Criteria

This section specifies the eligibility criteria for RO to apply for Badhte Kadam

I. Eligibility criteria for RO

RO should fulfil all of the following eligibility criteria to enrol for Badhte Kadam:

Eligibility criteria for RO
S. No. Eligibility Criteria Required Documents
1. Applicants hould be registered with the National Trust Valid registration certificate under the National Trust
2. RO should not be blacklisted by the National Trust/ any other government organization on the date of submission of scheme enrolment form Declaration by the RO
3. RO should be registered with PwD Act on the date of submission of scheme enrolment form PwD Registration proof/ certificate


II. Number of events supported

National Trust shall sponsor a maximum of 4 events for each RO per year. Each RO should conduct at least 1 event (either for community, educational institutes or medical institutes) in a year.

All the SNACs of National Trust are expected to participate in Badhte Kadam scheme.

Enrolment Process

This section describes the processes that should be followed for the following purposes for availing benefits against Badhte Kadam:

  • RO enrolment under Badhte Kadam scheme
  • Fund disbursement for all activities
  • Reporting and monitoring of Badhte Kadam activities by the National Trust

RO Enrolment process

RO enrolment process defines the steps to be followed while enrolling for Badhte Kadam scheme on an annual basis. It also details out the required information and documents at each step and timelines for various activity wherever applicable.

STEP 1.The NGO registered with the National Trust logs in to the National Trust website

STEP 2.The application form is available online on the National Trust website and has to be submitted online only. Application fees or enrolment in Badhte Kadam scheme is INR 1000/-.

Steps for submitting online application form

  • Fill up the Badhte Kadam application form online and upload the scanned documents as required*
  • Submit the duly filled in form on the National Trust portal
  • Pay the application fee online
  • Despatch the print out of the filled in form along with the supporting documents to the National Trust within 7 days and should ensure that hardcopy reaches the National Trust by 15 days.

Note: Documents received without application fee shall not be entertained

*Following documents/information has to be submitted by RO for enrolment purpose:

  1. Documents fulfilling the eligibility criteria
  2. Declaration by RO mentioning current set of activities:
    • Existing facilities and infrastructure
    • Information about current staff working in RO
    • Current RO activities
    • Details of awareness activities done in the past 2 years

STEP 3.After the National Trust receives the application form and the documents, these are verified.

STEP 4.The final decision on the application/proposal is taken after completing all necessary formalities and processes. If the RO meets scheme criteria and requirements, the application is approved. In case there is any discrepancy, RO is accordingly informed within 10 days of date of receipt. RO is given 15 days to submit the missing information.

STEP 5.Communication to RO by the National Trust shall be done within 30 days from point of receipt. Point of receipt is date and time of submission of online form along with all the required documents.

STEP 6.Once enrolment is completed, a scheme ID is created for the RO, and the confirmation for the same is communicated to RO.

STEP 7.A starter kit/ Badhte Kadam hand book containing the complete details of the Badhte Kadam is also handed over to the RO by National Trust.

Fund disbursement process

Fund disbursement for Badhte Kadam activities shall take place as mentioned before. In this section, we have listed down processes for fund disbursement for all activities.

Please note that each RO should maintain a separate account of funds received from the National Trust under Badhte Kadam in appropriate ledgers, clearly mentioning the amounts received, amount spent and balance in hand.

Fund disbursement for each activity

This process is initiated by the RO when they want to reimburse the expenses incurred in carrying out any awareness activities for the National Trust disabilities. Fund disbursement shall happen as per actuals with a maximum limit as specified in funding pattern section. The funds should be transferred within 15 days of receiving the proposal of the RO by the National Trust.

STEP 1.RO to initiate the disbursal of funds by providing the proposal with the supporting documents/information as mentioned below.

Documents/information to be provided for disbursal of funds

  1. RO Scheme ID
  2. Details of Activity undertaken
    • Event organized (date, venue, objective, duration)
    • Target audience and target location
    • Number of people attended
  3. Details of proposed resource person/staff deployed and their qualification
  4. Proof of expenses incurred
  5. Verification letter by SNAC/LLC/NT officials/Tehsildar/Govt. officials (Social welfare officials) /DC/DM officials that they attended the event
  6. Proof of each activity conducted like photographs, videos etc.

The event is to be attended by official of SNAC/LLC/NT officials/Tehsildar /Govt (Social welfare officer)/DC/DM

STEP 2.The National Trust scheme in-charge to verify documents. The amount as per the activity defined at page 5-6 or as per evaluation of proposal by the National Trust (In case the activity is not included in the given list) shall be disbursed.

STEP 3.Proposal to be approved and fund to be transferred or Proposal to be rejected and same to be communicated to the RO within 15 days of receipt of the application

STEP 4.The National Trust scheme in charge to send instructions to its internal Finance/ Accounts Division of the National Trust.

STEP 5.Internal Finance/ Accounts Division of the National Trust will transfer funds to RO via NEFT or RTGS. Cash disbursement is not allowed.

STEP 6.Transaction confirmation will be sent to the scheme in-charge

STEP 7.Transaction confirmation to be sent to the concerned RO by scheme in-charge.

STEP 8.Record of the details of funds transfer to be maintained by internal Finance/ Accounts Division of the National Trust

STEP 9.If the funds are not disbursed within the stipulated time period, RO can escalate the issue as per Escalation matrix either through website or calling the concerned officer on his/her office number

Monitoring Mechanism

Monitoring of Badhte Kadam Scheme shall be done annually in March. ROs availing the Badhte Kadam scheme should submit Badhte Kadam Action docket in March every year.

Badhte Kadam Action docket includes following documents:

  1. Badhte Kadam action report consists of:
    • Statement of expenditure
    • Details of each activity conducted (min 300 words)
    • Performance report (based on KPIs) & supporting documents
    • Achievements or activities that can be highlighted(if any) specific to each scheme enrolled for
    • A report of minimum 200 words on the feedback received from participants of the events
  2. Proposed action plan for next 6 months
    • Any upcoming/planned events
    • Additional activities planned
  3. Feedback/suggestions
    • Both scheme wise and in general
  4. A descriptive report of minimum 300 words by RO on how awareness activities conducted have made a change in the society or life of a PwD
  1. The ROs are expected to provide timely submission of the above mentioned documents to the National Trust. The maximum time limit allowed to send the docket would be 30 days after the completion of the event
  2. In case of any failure in the submission of the same, the National Trust would send reminders to ROs on an interval of every 20 days, 10 days and 5 days respectively ( a maximum of 3 times)
  3. In such a scenario, further funds would be put on hold till the National Trust receives the documents. In case of failure in the same for 3 consecutive times, matter would be presented to Joint Secretary & sanction committee, for further actions.
  4. In the case where RO sends the documents to the National Trust before 3 warnings, funds would be disbursed as per periodic cycle, along with funds on hold
  5. In such a scenario, further funds would be put on hold till the National Trust receives the documents. In case of failure in the same for 3 consecutive times, matter would be presented to Joint Secretary & sanction committee, for further actions.
  6. In the case where RO sends the documents to the National Trust before 3 warnings, funds would be disbursed as per periodic cycle, along with funds on hold
  7. After the National Trust receives the Badhte Kadam action docket, the documents are analyzed and verified
  8. The National Trust is also expected to provide support and suggestions on the proposed action plan

Key Performance Indicators

The monitoring mechanism of Badhte Kadam activities is based on some Key Performance Indicators (KPI). If Badhte Kadam activities are not achieving the KPI targets, the National Trust can mentor and guide them in the correct direction.

Below are the KPIs and respective targets for Badhte Kadam activities:

Key Performance Indicators
KPI Name KPI weightage KPI Description Target Documents required
1. Activities completed 40% The number of awareness activities completed by a RO in a year Each RO should be able to conduct at least 1 awareness activity (related to community, medical institutes or educational institutes) in a year and each SNAC to complete at least 3 activities in a year (One each related to community, medical institutes and educational institutes) Details of the activity along with photographs
2. Enabling changes in the society 40% Changes that are brought about in the society or in the life of a PwD by the activities undertaken by RO At least one change for the betterment or empowerment of PwDs should have happened due to activities organized by RO Detailed report of 300 words to be submitted by RO in this regard
3. Gathering Feedback 20% Feedback should be gathered from audience in all the events At least feedback from 30 participants should be gathered and shared with the National Trust Feedback documents filled by participants

RO enrolled under Badhte Kadam scheme is expected to achieve at least 50% of the KPIs. In case of failure by RO in achieving the same, the National Trust reserves the right to reconsider the funding to be provided for the next year, provided the RO submits a reasonable explanation for the same.

Grievance Redressal

In case the RO faces any issues with regards to the scheme, the RO can either login the issue in the grievance redressal system in the website or can contact the concerned official or CEO of the National Trust, on the office phone number.


If any time limit as mentioned in this document is exceeded by the National Trust, then the RO can escalate it to the CEO of the National Trust. If the matter is not closed within a reasonable amount of time by the CEO of the National Trust, RO can further escalate the matter to the Chairperson of the Board of the National Trust.

Validity of Scheme Enrolment

Scheme enrolment shall be valid only for the current financial year. Once, current financial year is over, RO should enrol again in Badhte Kadam scheme to avail benefits of the scheme.

For example, if the RO registers for Badhte Kadam in September 2016, the enrolment will be valid till 31st March 2017 and if it registers for Badhte Kadam in April 2016, the enrolment will be valid till 31st March 2017.


Last Updated On: 28-03-2023

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